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Explore Wyoming's #1 Single Track Trails

甜水县自己的威尔金斯峰步道系统, 位于绿河镇的东南部, has earned the honor of being “怀俄明州最佳单轨山地自行车道" and the “怀俄明州最受欢迎的单轨山地自行车道” by The Wilkins Peak Trail System includes over 20 miles of 14 different trails for varied levels of abilities; Mountain bike enthusiasts could spend days discovering all of the trails and single track features. 帮助你在甜水县的两轮冒险中获得最大的乐趣, use our Wilkins Peak Trail Itinerary below.

Day 1

7:00 a.m.


8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

前往当地的自行车店和咖啡店, The Bike and Trike, located in Rock Springs.  一边喝杯咖啡,一边向当地骑手学习该攻哪条路线以及为什么要攻. 在离开自行车和三轮车,踏上你的旅程之前, 一定要备好最后一分钟的装备或者 trail maps.

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

在你去绿河镇的路上,顺便去 Hitching Post resturant and pick up a to-go sack lunch.

9:30 a.m.

Arrive at the Wilkins Peak Trailhead. 距离大部分步道系统最近的起点就在森林公路171号附近的绿河市射击场东南部. 要到达主要的步道起点,你将在东提顿转弯, just north of Jackson Elementary School, on to Scott's Bottom Road, cross the river bridge. 这条路向右拐,你会看到一个停车场,紧挨着城市的户外射箭场.

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Once parked in Parking A, 你可以很容易地到达一些低海拔和新手小径来热身. Make your way to the Channel Surfing trailhead for your first ride of the day. This 1.66英里的步道非常适合初学者或新手骑手. 通道冲浪沿着绿河而行,可以欣赏到河的美景, 格林河镇和周围的悬崖.  海峡冲浪径连接10环,另一个新手径,约 .83 miles long. 10环步道提供了许多观赏野生动物的机会,比如鹿, moose, pronghorns and more. 这条小路会绕个圈,带你回到a停车场,你的旅程开始的地方.

12:30 p.m.

回到你的车里,享用你当天早些时候在绿河的驿站买的自制午餐. 确保你为下午的骑行补充了水分和能量.

1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

在A停车场南边的低潮步道结束一天的行程. 这条初学者/新手步道长2英里,适合全家游玩. 这条小径与绿河平行,当太阳开始落山时,将会是一段美丽的旅程.

4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

经过一整天的骑行,回到岩泉市中心,在这里犒劳一下自己 Bitter Creek Brewing. Enjoy locally made craft beer and cuisine. 试试我们的最爱之一-啤酒花和清爽的野猪牙啤酒-以我们著名的 Boar's Tusk geological feature.

7:00 p.m.

早点结束吧,回去你的 hotel, RV Spot, campsite or guest lodge 在又一天的山地自行车之前,好好休息一下.

Day 2

8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Start your day off right at Cowboy Donuts 在岩泉市,美食频道有专题报道. 尝尝他们著名的kolaches或55种特色甜甜圈, including hand-chopped apple fritters, blueberry cake, 还有烤圈,味道会让你大吃一惊.

9:00 a.m.

Drive to the Wilkins Peak Trail system. 通过A停车场,在“红谷仓”走左边的岔路口,继续沿着这条路走到 .5 miles. 然后你会经过B停车场,右边有一个信息亭, 然后继续沿着森林路171走两英里,直到你到达布伦特的起点 & Mike’s trail.

9:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Take your first ride of the day on Brent and Mike's trail这是一个六英里的中间环路,允许你在同一个起点开始和停止. 这条小径上有许多桥梁和梯子,还有岩石架子和洗澡水,等着你去发现, or if you are a less adventurous rider, 在小径上的每个“特征”周围都有一条备用路线.

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

回到你的车上,准备好整个下午的骑行. 吃午餐,补充水分,熟悉环境 trail map.

1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Hit the trail again! Expert Riders can choose to conquer Pick Your Poison – which is a five-mile, advanced trail. Pick Your Poison提供了几种海拔攀登, 过桥和一些具有挑战性的转弯到小径的顶部. At mile 3.2、一定要休息一下,欣赏一下朝东南的景色 Flaming Gorge. The trail intersects with Cruiser which is a 2.2英里的初学者步道,如果需要的话,可以很容易地避开一些中级技术点. 沿着山坡底部的小径向东行驶,享受一段有趣而平坦的旅程,直到您到达布伦特和迈克的小径.

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

From Brent and Mike’s trail, 你可以选择不同难度和长度的路线. Head west and choose from rides on Uncle Rico’s (difficult .42 miles) Quickdraw (intermediate 1.08 miles) or MacDaddy (beginner .37 miles). 向东,探索俯瞰小径,或继续沿着布伦特和迈克的小径返回您的汽车. 无论你选择哪个方向,你都会回到你的起点.

5:00 p.m.

收拾好你的装备,到镇上的一家本地餐馆吃饭喝酒 restaurants.

Looking for more? Discover more mountain biking in Sweetwater County.